Wednesday, October 2, 2013


So I was browsing the internet today and started hearing about this glorious thing called Pin-tober. What is Pin-tober you ask? Well it is a month in which you blog/ vlog/ or post about one Pinterest project you completed that day. It doesn't have to be October because really, you could just add Pin to any month, but I choose October!

Since I decided to do this at about 8:36 pm on October 1st, I was a bit limited on my options. I decided to do something I had been planning on for awhile and couldn't find the time. I made a financial binder.

Now this finance binder is adorable and a lot more in depth than what I decided to do, but I wanted to use what I had on hand and what would work for me and my family. So behold, my finance binder!

I started with a monthly calender. This isn't my schedule calendar, just a point of reference for my bills and finance related stuff. I can write infrequent or annual/ semi annual items in like car registration and insurance. 

This darling calender template is linked at the end of this post. The calender by no means needs to look cute, but for me it always helps doing a task I dislike to have some color. 

This list has been much needed in my household. I am constantly in search of an account number and/or a phone number for a utility company of such. This list will help to bring some order to my already chaotic life. 

Being that my place of employment is the credit union we have our accounts at, this list is not as much for me as for Mark. In my household I handle the finances because it is what I do for a living. We do have times that I am out of town or something comes up and Mark needs to handle something. This list will be so much more effective than me trying to explain over the phone all the information he may need.

Here we get to the meat of the financial binder. The dreaded monthly budget. I have a confession, we do not use a budget currently in our household. I know EEK! Hence the serious need for a financial binder. I can assure you a monthly budget will be a pin that is tackled this month. 

I am sure this will come as a total surprise, but due to the lack of any sort of budget we have debt! This nasty four letter word is something I hope to remove from our lives in the next couple years. 

This little sheet though is lovely. You print out as many or as few as you need and fill in all of the information for the particular debt. It includes things like rate, term, and balance. 

Last but not least is the family balance sheet. A list of all assets and liabilities. The more research I do, the more I believe that you should run your personal finances like a business. This sheet may be ugly at first, but over time it will get better and better. 

2013 Calender 
Various Finance Worksheets

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