Monday, July 13, 2015

It's Been Awhile

So, remember that time I had a blog? Apparently I didn't either.

A mix of having zero technical ability and being a new mom meant that this got put on the back burner. Better yet, it got completely ignored and became zero priority. I regret that. Even if not a single person ever reads this, that isn't why I started this. I started this to remember this crazy time in our life.

So, my life has changed a lot in the past however long it has been. A few updates:

- We adopted a baby

- I quit my job

- We took a few placements (current count is 9 placements in 21 months)

- We moved

- We celebrated 5 years of marriage

Those are some of the big highlights of my time away. I am sure there is more. Most of those have a post all of their own. For now though, let me share my official, legal, and amazing family.

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