Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Never Fails

It seems that the moment life slows down and I decide that I am ready to start blogging again, life gets turned upside down. 

So about 3 weeks ago I had court for Little Girl. It wasn't supposed to be a big hearing and I suppose it wasn't when all things were said and done. It was more an overall feeling.

We got a new judge, attorney general, and case worker. While the overall case plan didn't change from severance, the feeling in the court room did. What was supposed to be a slam dunk case was suddenly filled with a lot of gray area and doubt. After speaking with the guardian ad litem (Little girls attorney), she told me that the case isn't over, but we need to prepare ourselves to possibly lose her. 

Of course, I was devastated. I called Mark and broke down. I just always allowed myself to picture forever with her and that may not be the case. I know it is foster care and things like this happen, but I just wasn't expecting it. So I went home to be depressed and mope around. 

I am not home 5 minutes when I get an e-mail from our licensing worker. Before it has even loaded on my phone she is calling. She apologized for the e-mail and call back to back but said she had an urgent matter that couldn't wait. 

A situation had come up. Something that doesn't happen often. Within our agency a child, who is available for adoption, needs a home. Now this happens all the time. This isn't the unusual part. The unusual part was this child was a 15 month old baby girl. Typically, when a child comes available for adoption and they need to find a home, they are 7 years or older. 

She ran through the information she had an then apologized because she needed a decision ASAP. I asked if I could take 5 minutes to discuss things through with Mark. She said yes but call or text her as soon as we have made a decision. This child is going to be placed fast. 

Well, let me introduce you to my daughter. 

I apologize for the early morning no make-up face and the messy toy room in the back. What can I say? This is my life.

It all happened very quick. We got a few introductory visits and then before I knew it, she was in our home full time. She is adjusting beautifully and should be adopted early next year. 

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