Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's the final countdown...

So we had our home study/ interview with our licensing worker. I am not going to lie, it was rough. It was 3 1/2 hours of straight questioning with no breaks. It wasn't easy questions like your name and favorite color. These were in depth short answer questions regarding childhood, parenting style, and discipline. These are all things Mark and I have talked extensively about, but they just are so difficult to explain and put into words in an interview format. When the experience is over I was completely mentally exhausted. It was also a lot of heavy material so it wasn't probably the joyous moment it should have been.

All and all though, we survived and it is now done. We should be hearing the results in the next week or so. From that point we will find out if they are requesting additional tasks be completed or if we are finally going to be submitted to OLCR for final approval and licensing. Once the OLCR received it, who knows what could happen.

The biggest frustration we have at this point is absolutely the lack of any sort of expected timeline. We are just sitting and waiting. We have a completed nursery that just sits empty while so many children are in need of a home...

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